In this post, I will look at option pricing in SAS. Without going too deep into the theoretical side of the Black Scholes option price model, it says that assuming normally distributed returns of the underlying asset, constant volatility and constant risk-free rate
, the price of a European call option
and a European put option
are respectively.
where is the spot of the underlying asset,
is the time to maturity,
is the Normal Cumulative Distribution Function given in the usual way and
are given as
A SAS IML Module Example for calculating Black-Scholes Put/Call Prices
In the below example, I have written a SAS IML function module, that calculates the Black-Scholes put/call price given the necessary input. As a side note, remember that a SAS function module is an SAS IML module, that returns a value, whereas a subroutine module does not.
proc iml; start BS(S, K, r, T, sigma, putcall); if upcase(putcall) not in ('C','P') then print ('Invalid Put/Call input'); /* Handle invalid Put/Call input */ d1 = (log(S/K) + (r + sigma##2/2)*T)/(sigma*sqrt(T)); /* Calculate d1 */ d2 = d1 - sigma * sqrt(T); /* Calculate d2 */ if upcase(putcall) = 'C' then price = S*cdf('normal', d1) - K*exp(-r*T)*cdf('normal', d2); /* Calculate BS Call Price */ else if upcase(putcall) = 'P' then price = K*exp(-r*T) * cdf('normal', -d2) - S*cdf('normal', -d1); /* Calculate BS Put Price */ return price; /* Return BS Price */ finish BS; quit; |
Now, we calculate a Black-Scholes call price as
Call_Price = BS(100, 110, 0.05, 1, 0.2, 'C'); |
which gives the same as the predefined SAS DATA step BLKSHCPRC Function, like this
data _null_; Call_Price = blkshclprc(110, 1, 100, 0.05, 0.2); put Call_Price; run; |
Like most Data Step functions, you can also call the SAS BLKSHCPRC function from PROC IML.
In this post, we see that SAS can easily calculate Black Scholes Call/Put prices. The Black Scholes model is an absolute classic in option pricing models. It is usually the first model that introductory finance courses teach. Usually, the next thing to investigate is the volatility implied by the model. You can see an approach to doing this in the documentation at the FCMP Solve Function.
Also, check out the finance-related SAS blog post Simulate An RSLN Model In SAS.
Finally, you can download the entire program here.