SAS Hash Object Locked by an Iterator Explained
A hash object that is locked by an iterator is a common mistake in SAS. This post demonstrates how to avoid the error and why it happens.

Calculate Sums With The Hash Object in SAS
The SAS Hash Object is more than just a lookup tool. It is a general dynamic data structure. We can use it to calculate sums and other statistics.

Find Min and Max Values with Hash Object in SAS
This post demonstrates how to use the hash object to find minimum and maximum values in a SAS data set. Also, we see a hash of hashes application.

Nesting Formats in SAS With Proc Format
This post demonstrates how to nest one format within another in SAS. Proc Format lets us create multiple formats and nest one within another.

Explore the SAS Hash Object Replacedup Method
This post explores the Hash Object Replacedup Method in SAS. We learn how to selectively update single items with the Replacedup Method.

Explore the SAS Hash Object Removedup Method
This post explores the Hash Object RemoveDup Method in SAS. We investigate how to selectively remove single items with the RemoveDup Method.

A Few Hash of Hashes Examples in SAS
In this post, I dive a bit deeper into the hash of hashes technique and provide a few real life applications for the hash of hashes.

Single Key Changes in Multi Key Hash Objects
In this post, I demonstrate three techniques of how to detect single key changes in a hash object with multiple key variables in SAS. Not a simple task.

Using the SAS Hash Object and Point= Option
This post demonstrates how to reduce the memory footprint of a SAS hash object substantially by reading in record pointers instead of actual data.

Read Many Variables Into the SAS Hash Object
This post demonstrates two techniques to read many varaibles into the SAS hash object. One using metadata and one using SAS arrays.