Create a FIFO Queue in SAS with the Hash Object
This post demonstrates and example of how to create a FIFO Queue in the SAS Data Step using the dynamic nature of the hash object.

Print Content of a SAS Hash Object in the Log
This post demonstrates how to use the %PutHash Macro to print the content of a SAS Hash Object in the log.

When Does the SAS Data Step Set Variable to Missing?
This post investigates when the data step retains variable value at each iteration and when it sets variable values to missing.

Investigating the Macro Array in SAS
This post investigates the concept of macro arrays in SAS. We will explore what a macro array is and how to create and use them with %Array and %Do_Over.

Explore the %Eval Macro Function in SAS
This post explores the %Eval Macro Function by example. I demonstrate how to use the Eval Function explicit and implicit and how it differs from Sysevalf.

Explore the Parmbuff Option in the SAS Macro Language
This post demonstrates examples of how to use the Parmbuff Option in the SAS Macro Statement to write macros with variables number of arguments.

5 SAS Macro Quoting Functions You Should Know
This post shows five SAS quoting functions solves most masking issues in the macro language. The Str, Nrstr, Bquote, Nrbquote, Superq and Unquote function.

Evaluate Arithmetic Expression in Character Variable
This post demonstrates how to evaluate an arithmetic expression in a character variable in the SAS Data Step using the Resolve and %Sysevalf Macro Function.

3 Ways to Select Top N By Group in SAS
In this post, I demonstrate three different approaches to select the top N values By Group in SAS using PROC RANK, PROC SUMMARY and the hash obejct.

Search for Value in Numeric or Character Array
A frequent question in the SAS Community is to search for a value in an array or list of variables. Either numeric or character. This post demonstrates a few different approaches to the problem. Iterating through the array manually, using the Whichn/Whichc Function...